Outline of the Geology of the Bohemian Massif: the Basement Rocks and their Carboniferous and Permian Cover (english)

Artikelnummer: P10621

Preis: EUR 43,00 

Jan Cháb et al. (2010)
ISBN: 978-80-7075-747-5
The Bohemian Massif has always been of interest to both Czech and international specialists because it has exposed one of the most remark-able domains of the Variscan orogen. Several generations of geologists have already attempted to understand and elucidate its complex structure. In their work, Jan Cháb and his co-workers provide basic informa-tion about the appearance, composition and structure of the Massif, and also about the fossils that have been preserved in its Paleozoic deposits. In the last chapter, the author has attempted to construct a brief scenario of the Variscan orogeny or, in other words, of the collision of the old continents, southern Gondwana and northern Laurussia, based on the most recent data. He himself says of his book: „This outline description of the geology of the Bohemian Massif raises various questions and hypotheses in addition to providing concrete data. You select and choose, eliminate mistakes, and search for ways to understand it better.“

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