James Ross Island - Northern Part 1: 25000 (english,spanish)

Artikelnummer: P10637

Stückpreis: EUR 14,90 

D. Nývlt, L. Šerák (2009)
ISBN: 978-80-7075-734-5

Isla James Ross- parte norte 1:25000
Topographic map of the northern deglaciated part of the Ulu Peninsula, James Ross Island was published by the Czech Geological Survey in cooperation with GEODIS Brno, Ltd in 2009. Bilingual presentation in English and Spanish allows direct comparison of local names used by British and Argentinean explorers and scientists. The map covers the whole deglaciated part in the surrounding of the Czech Johann Gregor Mendel Antarctic Station and serves as a basic tool for any scientific research or for the direct orientation in the field. Maps in Antarctica are generally of small scales presenting large ice-covered areas without significant details. Northern part of James Ross Island represents one of the largest deglaciated areas in the whole Antarctica, for which a detailed large-scale topographic map was crucial. It represents one of the most detailed mapped area in Antarctica. The map is available in folded version suitable for field use or as a wall map.