Geology of Burkina Faso (english, französisch)

Artikelnummer: P10129

Stückpreis: EUR 36,00 

Sattran V, Wenmenga U. (2002)
ISBN: 80-7075-516-4

The geological history of Burkina Faso coincides with the evolution of the Baoulé-Mossi, which represents a part of the West-African craton. This Paleoproterozoic area, generally built during the major Eburnean orogenesis and dating 2200-2000 Ma, is characterized by the relation between large granite-gneissic terranes and the main granitization arround 2100 Ma, and by Birimian greenstone belts marked by a bimodal volcanism of predominant tholeiitic and subordinate calc-alkaline composition.